We had a great time on the zip line Friday and our travel companions may not have been monkeys, but they kept us safe and provided lots of wet kisses.
We are already planning our next vacation to Costa Rica.
Heart Centered Meditaion:
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath, hold it in and tense up every muscle you can. Exhale and release the tension.
Repeat this twice more, making three breath/tensions in total.
Visualize your muscles becoming relaxed and saturated with a brilliant, white light.
Start at your toes and work your way up to the top of your head, pay particular attention to the shoulders, jaw and facial area, and any other area that may be causing you particular concern. All the while taking gentle, deep breaths.
If you hear sounds such as cars passing by, people talking, dogs barking etc. Just let these sounds pass over you. Do not judge these sounds, simply allow them to occur and fade away, all the while taking gentle deep breaths.
When you feel sufficiently relaxed, draw your attention to your chest area, and visualize a tiny ball of light that rests half inside and half outside the center of your chest.
This ball of light can be any colour that feels comfortable to you, I personally use the color pink or blue flecked with brilliant gold. This ball of light starts out tiny, but expands gradually with every inhalation and every exhalation.
Continue to visualize for this meditation so that the ball grows larger and larger, all the while producing a greater feeling of loving peace and calm.
Allow the ball of light to grow as large as you feel comfortable with.
This ball is a ball of healing love-energy. Allow the ball to move to wherever you need healing in your body.
You can direct the ball or allow it to move by itself. If you have a loved one that needs healing or love, who may be emotionally troubled, you can send this ball of love-energy to this person in your mind.
Visualize the ball leaving the room and traveling to the person in need. Or you can allow the ball to leave of its own accord, it will travel to someone who needs your love-energy. Or you can simply bring the ball back into your body.
When you feel that the meditation has finished, gradually and gently bring your attention back to your surroundings, and slowly open your eyes.