Monday, June 1, 2009

Letter from Paige at Africa Yoga Project

Post - Bootcamp has been days of complete exhaustion, weeks of total inspiration, sleepless nights and many hours away from the computer. There is something that Baron says at Bootcamps "remember you are a transformed person going back into a untransformed environment" but the radical thing about this program is so many of the students live in the same community - 56 to be exact - that we came back to a transformed environment. It was more than personal development, what you guys were part of and gave to us - was community development.

We have been meeting as a group over twice a week, with many smaller meetings happening during the week. It is the money that you raised that allowed the training to happen and transportation costs for these weekly meetings. We practice on yoga mats, not concrete and wear comfortable, clean yoga clothes, not hole filled, dirty old rags. It is your letters, carrying of mats and money that has given us these supplies.

The school in Amboselli, at Jacobs town, opened this week. There are 50 children attending that were previously at home, either minding goats or helping their mothers cook and clean at ages 4-6 years old. At the request of the women in both villages we have purchased reading and writing books for adult education classes that are starting next month. These women are illiterate and now will be taught how to read and write. It is the money you raised that allowed us to buy these books and employ a teacher.

Everlynne (Victoria) is back in school, in the 7th grade. She had dropped out due to poverty. She now gets a meal everyday and has a new uniform, text book and will teach yoga to her school mates. Another boy from Jackson's village is going to high school, he is an orphan and had also dropped out due to poverty. This is a direct sponsporship that Dina T has provided for on top of the $5000 she raised.

My first trip to Kenya to teach and learn left me exhausted. It challenged me in every way possible - the food was different, I got sick, I did not feel safe, and at the same time something in my heart opened that had never been touched. I was the catalyst of change for someone besides myself. I experienced this muscle called "Making a Difference." If not me, who? That first trip to teach became the first of many. Just as yoga practice on the mat is addictive, so is making a difference. Once I saw that it was possible to affect a life so profoundly just by making phone calls, sending emails, raising money, and just plain "doing it" - once I saw the possibilities - well, who wouldn't want to keep going?

I believe that we all want to do good in this world. No matter who we are or how hard our own lives are (in fact, sometimes for that very reason), I think we all have an innate need to give to others, to share ourselves and our resources with those who have less than us.

I'm blessed to know you people who want to help – and blessed as well to know people who need the help. I know that may seem oddly phrased, but I do believe that both are an opportunity to open myself to the greater good in myself and in this world. I am consistently blown away by our beautiful needs - our need for each other, our need for connection, our need to devote ourselves to something larger.

Thank you,
Paige Elenson
Founder Africa Yoga Project

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