We stayed at Ol Tukai Lodge at the base of Kilimanjaro, where zebra, buffalo, monkeys, and elephant are within a 100 feet of your dinner table.
At night, I roomed with Dina. She asked me if she could read with the light on, but I wondered why she wanted to sleep with the light on. I could sleep through anything and it didn't bother me. At about 4am the generator kicked off and I awoke when I heard something in our room. I couldn't see and my flashlight was in my backpack. I kept hearing this rustling. Dina was asleep with her sheet and pillow over her head and I could tell her flashlight was on. I assumed she fell asleep reading.
At around 5am, the generator kicked on, the lights went on and something black, round and heavy landed on my belly. I brushed it off the bed and took up sleeping (hardly) under my covers like Dina. When we got up in the morning, Dina asked me if I saw any bats? That's why she slept with the light on and under the sheet. She said they were flying all over the room.
Neighboring the Lodge is a closed down resort overcome with blue balled monkeys. There were hundreds of them, always coming out to the roadway to check out the cars. Their balls are literally bright sky blue!
Cell phone reception was amazing! I had a signal everywhere, including in the Masai villages. Most of the men had a beaded belt to carry their walking stick, billy (club), knife, and cell phone.
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