Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Today is a Gift

Yesterday is History
Tomorrow a Mystery
Today is a Gift
That’s why it is called the Present.
Enjoy Now!


Above is the meditation tip of the day from

On our journey of 108 days of Yoga, it’s easy to drop into the mindset of trying too hard at the beginning. This is a common mistake of many Yogi’s, not just new practitioners. We live in a highly competitive society which leads us to think we should be able to do more today than yesterday or a week ago. How can we stay centered in our own experience and drop the mindset of pushing and surpassing previous results or accomplishments?

In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the state of Yoga is reached through the combination of persistence and detachment. Trying too hard in class is usually our attachment to specific results of our actions. If we let go of our expectations on the mat and approach our practice with persistence and detachment we can bring this into our everyday experiences. Give yourself permission for discovery in our body, breath, mind, heart and spirit. Since our breath connects us to the present moment, paying attention to our breath brings us into the present moment. We can use the inhalation to clarify our intention and inspiration. We can use our exhalation to relax and let go of any expectations or results.

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